2006-01-10 13:00:12 UTC
Please take a look here
At this time, access to development tools for the Xbox 360� video game
console is limited to developers working on approved titles for
licensed publishers.
!!This will change over time, so check back for more information in
the future.!!
Does it mean that MS will open SDK for indie developers?
ަ�k��!���W�~�鮆�zk��C� 塧m����@^ǚ��^��z�Z�f�z�j�!�x2����������ɫ,����a{���,�H��4�m���i�(��ܢo�v'{�~ږZ��z��h��brD��{.n�+�������+%��lzwm��b�맲��r��z���
At this time, access to development tools for the Xbox 360� video game
console is limited to developers working on approved titles for
licensed publishers.
!!This will change over time, so check back for more information in
the future.!!
Does it mean that MS will open SDK for indie developers?
ަ�k��!���W�~�鮆�zk��C� 塧m����@^ǚ��^��z�Z�f�z�j�!�x2����������ɫ,����a{���,�H��4�m���i�(��ܢo�v'{�~ږZ��z��h��brD��{.n�+�������+%��lzwm��b�맲��r��z���