Strange statement on X36 SDK...
2006-01-10 13:00:12 UTC
Please take a look here

At this time, access to development tools for the Xbox 360� video game
console is limited to developers working on approved titles for
licensed publishers.
!!This will change over time, so check back for more information in
the future.!!

Does it mean that MS will open SDK for indie developers?
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Antti Hakulinen
2006-01-10 13:37:20 UTC
If i recall right, Allard said that theyre gonna do that, aka open sdk
for indie developers.
The point was you don't have to have big big amounts of money in order
to develop titles for 360.
From my point of view this would be very, very good move to all
parties involved. The increase in software and games would be great
and i think Sony and competitors ( i don't know but doubt ) would do
such a thing, and then again it should be considerably harder to
develop for example PS3 than 360. Doing that, Microsoft would
certainly gain more ground imo.
I think theyre gonna do it at some point and that it will be something
new and great. It's certainly one unplayed ace they have there...
Post by Justus
Please take a look here
At this time, access to development tools for the Xbox 360� video game
console is limited to developers working on approved titles for
licensed publishers.
!!This will change over time, so check back for more information in
the future.!!
Does it mean that MS will open SDK for indie developers?
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