SKD? only if....
Antti Hakulinen
2006-01-10 17:28:19 UTC
Please read below.
That the software for this thing is EXTREMELY difficult to code for!
Think about it! M$ would NOT slash the throats of their own software
partners! If indie software dev was possible it would reduce prices
and thus profits for the software devs which certainly wouldn't make
them happy.
: It most certainly isn't extremely difficult to code for, thats one of
ms targets and successful one also. When you develop games, obviously
you have to go by the rules set by the hardware meaning what gives best
performance, how to take full advantage of 360's power.

As for the slashing throats for software partners: MS could think super

By giving tools to develop easily for 360 without big bucks, they would
increase developer's amount, which could and should drop the prices.
That would put the sales to level never seen before.

I'm being totally serious.
It would increase the software sales so much it would make profit much
more than selling 60+ eur games that you buy ?rarely? anyway, i know i
can afford them rarely.With noticeably lower prices, piratism will
shrink considerably as people don't care so much anymore, people would
actually start to spend more money for software as they would notice
they can afford it.
It would be a super duper idea and i wouldn't be surprised at all if
this would be MS future vision.

The games developed with big money would still maybe cost 60+ eur/$ but
now the software range would be very much broader.

Next hit game could then be something imaginary like simple nethack with
network support stylish game that dj tjfontaine and chippen'dave did,
it would sell like 3 million copies and cost only 30 eur/$. Now that
would be serious bussiness for all parties involved.

I think this is where MS is heading and it's something totally awesome.
We could actually start to see something new and i don't mean that you
can use 2 weapons simultaneously in halo2 compared to halo1 or something
similarly baffling crap that is supposed to be new.
No, if the release a kit then it tells me that the large firms are
secure in knowing that they are the only ones capable of dev'ing
quality game software.
Depends what is quality. =) But i agree, that would be the case for the
cutting edge graphical part atleast. Which would bring us to the target
As for being able to play backups so you aren't out $70 everytime the
360 scratches up your discs..........right around the
corner.........just look at xboxhacker.net forums on DVD firmware!
I personally am out of extra $70 always, atleast as long as i'm
unemployed. I like the possibility to play backups.

Br: Antti.
If i recall right, Allard said that theyre gonna do that, aka
open sdk
for indie developers.
The point was you don't have to have big big amounts of money in
to develop titles for 360.
From my point of view this would be very, very good move to all
parties involved. The increase in software and games would be great
and i think Sony and competitors ( i don't know but doubt )
would do
such a thing, and then again it should be considerably harder to
develop for example PS3 than 360. Doing that, Microsoft would
certainly gain more ground imo.
I think theyre gonna do it at some point and that it will be
new and great. It's certainly one unplayed ace they have there...
Please take a look here
At this time, access to development tools for the Xbox 360^(TM)
video game
console is limited to developers working on approved titles for
licensed publishers.
!!This will change over time, so check back for more information in
the future.!!
Does it mean that MS will open SDK for indie developers?
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